Cyrlrns DI, D2, and D3 are major regulators of the GI restriction point,which act promoting phosophorylation and inactivation of the retinoblastama prcetin (RB). Cyclin D1 may act as an oncogenet;it is altered in several neoplasms and its overrexpression is a relevant differential diagnartic tool in low-grade lymphoma.Cyclins D2 and D3 share significant sequence homology with cyrlin Dq and may have similar functions. 'However, there are also several differences between the individual D-type cyclins, indicating that their physialogical functions are unlikely to he fully redundant.
例如:Materials and Methods
Normal tissres were obtained from surgical specimens. We also evaluated 33 samples of organs with inflammatory/hyper- plastic diseases, including four cases of Hashimoto's throrditis,two of mycobacterial granulomatous lymphadenitis, six of chronic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia and/or neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia, four of colitis, 12 of endometrial hyperplasia, without alypia, four of atypical endometrial hypreplasia.
有的作者在寫作時,甚至采用更為直截了當表述法,明確表明自己的觀點和態(tài)度。下面是引自Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics(“手法與理療雜志")Qualitative Review of Studies of Manipulation-Induced Hypoal-gesi。中的一段話,這段話的陳述方式及用詞使作者個人的思想躍然紙上。
We studied 50 357 CABG cases from 8 provinces (23 hospi-tals). The members of cases from fiscal years 1992/92, 1993/ 93, 1994/95. and 1995/96 were 11 895, 12 094, 12 956 and 13 412 respectively. The overall death rate for the 4-year period was 3.6%. The mean age of the patients was 63.3 years, end 21.9% of the patients were women. The clinical characteristics of the 50 357 patients are shown in Table 1.